Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday's Till #2

Nothing much to report this week in the garden. Planted more seeds and a few more veggies.

As I said last week we live in base housing which I love, at our base housing is privatized and Lincoln provides really great lawn service, the only thing is that they come on Thursdays and for what ever reason didn't last week so our grass is super long. Well we are having a last minute BBQ tomorrow for my BIRTHDAY. YAY me, one year older. UGH.  Anyway, the grass just won't make it til Thursday.

This weeks blog post is just a few pictures, two of MyLove cutting our grass so it is presentable and fun to frolic in tomorrow afternoon, one of my favorite pair of yard boots, and then the last one is of a dirty little garden fairy, isn't she beautiful???



Froggylady said...

That's one of my favorite pictures of Paige so far. Can't wait tomorrow!

Kate said...

Your daughter is gorgeous! And I'm jealous of all that sun! We are stationed at Fort Lewis in
Washington and I haven't seen that much sun in months! lol. Have fun at your BBQ!