Lorelai Claire Wiggins is 1 Month old...
The tradition continues... if you don't know our family well, our little girls visit Sears Portrait Studio every month until they are a year old. They grow and change so much in the first year we just have to document the beautiful changes. Here are our first pictures from our first visit with Claire. The past month has been amazing. She is a great baby, so sweet tempered and easy going. She is growing like a weed. The pictures are a bout a week late so she is now almost 6 weeks and is 11 pounds 4 ounces. She loves her sisters and the noise they make, she is beginning to smile a lot more and is trying to join in on our conversations. I hope you enjoy getting a small little glimpse of her already emerging personality.

So sweet! Again, I can't get over all that hair! I can't believe she is already 6wks old! It has flown by!!!! She is such a sweet baby girl!
So precious! I love it! I love that she's got that crazy Wiggins girl baby hair, but she looks different in the face than Reese and Paige did. Maybe she'll be the brunette princess of the house? :)
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