We will start with Wednesday, that is when the week went down hill. Craig was in the field and Reese was dropped off at school and signed up for after school care because Paige and I were headed up to Bethesda, MD for her follow up hearing test. Luckily the drive up there was great but for some reason (to be realized later) Paige fell asleep at 10am on the drive up there, I just thought the drive was boring with out Reese and she just got sleepy. Paige did great with the test in general, it only took about 15 minutes where last time it took about an hour and half. SHE PASSED too with flying colors. THANK YOU TUBES. Well I hadn't been feeling great myself for a few days... had been trying to ignore the growing sinus pressure. I decided I better make an appointment, so I did for 5 pm. Paige and I went home and did a few things, picked up Reese and then did a few things went to my appointment. Yes to a sinus infection, sent home with meds. By the time we got home ate dinner, dealt with baths it was already bed time, well the girls were laying on their belly's watching something on TV and Paige kind of threw up a little. I thought it might just be that she burped and being on her belly it was just too much pressure. So off they went to bed, well about 30 mins later she came out too me looking pale, I asked her if she tummy hurt and she said "yes", I asked her if she thought she might throw up she said "yes" so I quickly grabbed a big plastic bowl and out came dinner... YUCK. She then threw up once and hour til midnight and then things got worse... she SERIOUSLY threw up bile or dry heaved every 20-30 mins from then on til about 7, she also had diarrhea several times. I called the clinic as soon as I could at 7:30 they directed me to take her to the ER. I got Reese settled with Kim M. (THANK YOU) and off we went. We were arrived at 10am, Paige was so pathetic when they put the IV in all she did was say "ow" and not even an "OW" just a soft, sad little "ow". The Dr. came in did his exam asked all those normal questions said that we would give her the IV fluids and see what happened, well Paige just kept dry heaving and throwing up what ever they gave her so within two hours we were settling into room 3039 for the next three days. She did get better, after more IV fluids upstairs she finally started to pee and was able to get a better IV fluid, also was able to get some anti nausea medicine, an anti acid medicine and a pro biotic all through her IV... then about 8:30 she developed a fever which lasted all night... even with Tylenol. It finally broke Friday morning and she seemed better after a long night of tossing and turning and crying. Friday, basically was just a blur of Blues Clues and Disney channel, but she was definitely on the mend. We even went on three wagon rides around the floor pulling the IV pole around and all.. When the Doctor came in around 3, he told us that since she hadn't begun to eat food and since she still had the fever that morning they would keep her another night. Well, really to shorten this as best as I can, I started feeling sick at around midnight and needless to say I threw up and had diarrhea enough times to have the nurses wheel my 27 week pregnant self down to the ER at 8am Saturday morning.. Side story, I got a really bad stomach bug when I was 36 weeks pregnant and got so dehydrated that I ended up in labor, I spent two days in the hospital and the labor was stopped... So I was super scared that might happen again and its WAY WAY too early for that to happen. It was hard to leave Paige, but Daddy was there with her and she was very quickly on the mend. So I got some fluids a higher dose of the anti nausea meds Paige was on and 5 hours later I was back up into the room with Paige. The Dr. finally came around took one look at Paige running around the ward chasing after Craig and said home you go... we quickly packed, waited for paperwork and escort and got out of there as fast as we could... good bye to Mary Washington, Paige and mines home for the past three days and two nights... We dropped off some prescriptions for me and headed home... I took a LONG LONG shower, Craig and Paige snuggled on the couch. Wondering where Miss Reese was through all of this... well Kim M. had her Thursday morning, then Cassie J. had her Thursday evening, since Craig was later than expected (since he was out in the field and all), then she was with Daddy Thursday night and went to work with him Friday Morning and then had a few visits to the hospital in there too, then Saturday she spent the WHOLE day with her Grandma Kristi... she was so spoiled.. shopping, lunch at Olive Garden, more shopping, even got a beautiful Easter Dress, then she had a spa treatment, then dinner.. I am jealous. I love you all for all of your help... and SO SO much thanks for all the prayers. Paige is completely back to normal.. I am just tired a still a bit sore, but feel great. Craig took a few pictures of Paige over the last few days the first one is of Friday evening she is looking a bit less sick then yesterday evening while we were waiting to be discharged... she looks great in it...

I am glad you are all doing well... and was so worried about you both. Look forward to seeing you soon, maybe under better conditions this time??
OHMYGOSH! I am so glad you all are all better now!
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