Our housing community hosted a breakfast with Santa for the neighborhood so we walked over to check it out. It was very nice, we had a catered breakfast, visited with Santa and made some new friends. On the walk home we stopped and played at the park for awhile. We are loving the CA life.
Craig and Denise, and their family of girls!!! Newly settled in SC after 20 years of USMC life. Enjoying new homesteading adventures on their family farm.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Since I am so behind in blogging lately. I thought I would just share some recent random pictures that are actually downloaded on to my little laptop.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
CALI Crazy life..
I am going to try really hard to get the blog back on track. We are now in CA have been for about 6 weeks. We have had some serious fun, boxes aren't all unpacked. It has been crazy. Claire is 6 months old, Reese like her new school, Mary Fay Pendleton. Paige loves the three parks that we have in our back yard here in housing. Here is our new information:
Wiggins Family
143 Los Padres Dr.
Oceanside, CA 92058
I will update more this week with tons of pictures. We love and miss you all.
Denise :)
Wiggins Family
143 Los Padres Dr.
Oceanside, CA 92058
I will update more this week with tons of pictures. We love and miss you all.
Denise :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
On with the tradition
Lorelai Claire Wiggins is 1 Month old...
The tradition continues... if you don't know our family well, our little girls visit Sears Portrait Studio every month until they are a year old. They grow and change so much in the first year we just have to document the beautiful changes. Here are our first pictures from our first visit with Claire. The past month has been amazing. She is a great baby, so sweet tempered and easy going. She is growing like a weed. The pictures are a bout a week late so she is now almost 6 weeks and is 11 pounds 4 ounces. She loves her sisters and the noise they make, she is beginning to smile a lot more and is trying to join in on our conversations. I hope you enjoy getting a small little glimpse of her already emerging personality.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Reese's Preschool Graduation
Wednesday, May 20th 2009
Reese graduates from Mount Ararat Baptist Church Weekday Preschool
38 week appointment welcomes Lorelai Claire Wiggins
So a little over two weeks ago, on Thursday, May 21st I went in to my OB's office for my 38 week appointment. I was excited to hear that I was no longer dilated to 1 cm but to 3 cm and that I had a bulging bag of water... shortly after Dr. Shorter told me that my water would be breaking any time today it did.... there on the exam table @ 10:30 am. I was instantly excited and nervous. Dr. Shorter excused herself to go call the hospital and her partner, Dr. Thott to let them know I was on my way. I called Craig, my Mom and Kristi, sent out a massive text and headed home to pack up the rest of my stuff.
We got to to the hospital and admitted around 12 noon. Kristi arrived, I started having contractions, not bad and not regular. My back had been bothering me for the last few days and it was getting worse. A few hours went by and I wasn't making any real progress with the contractions I was having and my back was getting worse and worse so I opted for the epidural and pitocin. A few hours later I had only progressed to 5 cm and my epidural was beginning to wear off. The nurse decided the baby was laying posterior so she had a few tricks up her sleeve to help bring her down more, it was funny time in that room. Was not a typical labor room, jokes, laughing and silliness was all that was going on. I guess around 10:30 the pitocin had finally kicked in, at the same time I realized the epidural was completely gone. I was finally in ACTIVE labor, and not liking it either. It was a rough hour and half, but at 12:07 am May 22nd, Claire was born. Shocking us all at 8 pounds 13 ounces and 20.5 inches long. Even Dr. Thott was shocked. We all thought she would be no bigger than 7 1/2 pounds. She had a few minutes of not wanting to breath and cry so we only go to see her for a few mins and they took her to the recovery nursery for a few hours to be observed, but she recovered super quickly, got her bath and joined us in my room shortly after 3 am. My delivery took awhile because it was basically an accidental induction. My water probably would have broke sometime after 8 pm and she would have been born in about 4 hours, but since it didn't happen completely on its own it took over 13 hours... crazy, last and longest, and BIGGEST.
Most of you know that we went home on Saturday, Claire being right under the level for treatment for Jaundice. We took her back on Sunday and Monday for blood draws to check her levels, finally got in to the Pediatrician on Tuesday for another check and her levels had spikes scarily over night. So we were sent to Mary Washington Hospital to be admitted for photo therapy for three days. We came home again Thursday evening.
So here we are Claire is now two weeks and two days old.. She is a super easy baby, she eats well, sleeps well and is just so super sweet. The girls adore her and are really great with her too.
We love and miss you all. We appreciate all your thought, prayers and gifts. Everyone who brought us a meal, what a sweet blessing. Seriously makes life a whole lot easier when you don't have to worry about feeding your family. I love you all so so much. I have a few other posts that I need to blog on here today and I am sorry they are so late.
The Beautiful Wiggins Girls
The Big Sister Reese
Thursday, May 14, 2009
37 week appointment
Sorry I haven't updated the blog in forever... we had a lot going on and I should have blogged to share. Craig's grandmother passed away, w went to NC for a wedding, Craig had surgery on his ankle, he is doing well. I have had several appointments. So, I guess I will just update for today.
I am 37 weeks, had my second weekly appointment this morning. I am dilated to 1 cm, YAY. We all know that really doesn't mean anything, she could come tonight or in 2-3 weeks. I have lost some weight, but no worries, my belly (uterus) is still measuring right on track. Her heart rate was in the 140's. All is well with Miss Claire, she is still very active and loves to kick my ribs or out on the right side. Trying to pack bags and prepare the house and girls for her arrival.
We are gearing up for the last few weeks of preschool. Craig is finishing up at COMM School. We had orders but because of Craig's surgery and recovery time we lost them. We hope to have new ones sometime after graduation June 5th. Maybe to CA??
I will update the blog next Thursday evening... oh, have you made your guess on the Claire guess game site??? If not here is the info:
http://www.expectnet.com/game.php enter ClaireWbabyWeight
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New Diaper Website...
I just wanted to give those who are interested a better site to order the Fuzzi Bunz diapers that I am planning on using for Claire. Looks like these prices are better, and they have more patterns and colors to choose from. I love you all. I have lots to update you and can't wait to tell.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Weekend Activities
We had a wonderful Easter weekend. Saturday the weather was nice so we played outside a lot and then came in the house to color eggs. Sunday morning we woke up extra early and found Easter Baskets left by the Easter Bunny. The girls got all kinds fun stuff. We all loaded up and went to the 7 am service. Reese joined us in "big" church and did very well with it. I know she missed her Sunday school class, Paige had fun in her class. I stayed behind to teach my normal 8:20 class, the girls and Craig went home to make cheese biscuits. YUMMY! When I got home I made the final touches the desserts I had started earlier. Around 11 am we went to the "Son's" house for the second fun filled Easter in a row. Lunch was amazing... so tasty. Thank you Kristi. Your table was beautiful too. The "big" kids were so kind to go outside and hide a lot of eggs for Reese, Paige and Ryleigh to find. Once the egg hunt was over we came inside to inspect the loot and snack on some sweets. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and just spending time together. Happy Easter to you all.

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