We are HOME... YAY. First off Paige is doing great... she seems wide awake at the moment, hopefully she will settle down here soon, I can see that she is still tired and well drugged. Traffic wasn't too bad so we were able to get into town and pick up Reese from Kristi's house and pull into the driveway a little before 8. Secondly, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your prayers, they were answered for sure, the lord watched over our little Paige this morning. I think our night should be pretty quiet tonight and we are going to take things easy tomorrow. Thirdly, THANK you Courtney for coming over to spend the night last night to watch Reese today, I really hope she didn't kick you too much when Craig put her in the bed with you at 3:45 am.... LOL. Miss Paige P... thank you also for coming over today to play with Reese and help your sister out. The crafts and card you made for Paige are all ADORABLE. I hope you both know how much we appreciate you taking care of her and loving her like a little sister. LOVES to you both... Last, but not least. Kristi, thank you for coming over right after work to pick up Reese and take her to dinner and then swimming... you know how much she loves you and how grateful we were. Reese really had a great day for sure. I am sure I will hear about it all week long. I am so anxious to see how Paige changes these next few weeks as she heals and HEARS. Ok, time to get to bed. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!